West Mill, Derbyshire wedding - Steph and Jonno

“You’re obviously reading this because you’re deciding whether to book Ed or not for your wedding. If you don’t want to read our ramblings below we’ll make it easy for you… just bloody do it!

Ed was the first person we booked as soon as we booked our venue and from then on when we were asked ‘what are you most excited about’ the answer was always THE PICTURES! This is a lot coming from 2 people who are horrifically awkward when it comes to photos.

However it was totally the right answer because the images Ed has produced have made us laugh and cry (happy tears!), and relive the happiest day of our lives over and over again.

Ed has a super power in capturing the chaos, calm, nerves, silliness and pure joy that comes with a wedding day. He has captured stolen kisses, secret glances and in jokes and we will never be able to thank him enough.

To top it off he just blends into the day, makes everyone feel super comfortable and wears jazzy shirts. What’s not to love? Book him now!”

- Steph & Jonno

West Mill, Derby wedding photographer